We understand that every customer has unique requirements, and that is why Bonaire supplies and manages installations through a network of authorised and accredited specialist Dealers. These specialists are trained regularly to maintain their expertise in the Bonaire product, application and system requirements to deliver service at the highest standards.
The Bonaire Dealer network is very extensive so that you can find a dealer closest to your area or in your area. You can contact a local dealer by entering your postcode in the box below or you can contact them direct at 1300 266 247
Winter is around the corner which means your heater will be used a lot more in the coming months. This is the busiest time of year for our technicians so beat the rush now and get your gas heater booked in for a service. By booking a service with us, you will benefit from a rigorous 12 point check on your Gas Ducted Heater by a qualified factory trained technician - who better to look after your appliance than the people who made it? Call us on 1300 665 087

Bonaire air coolers reduce carbon footprint that's equivalent to planting 14 trees per year and are engineered for a greener and cooler tomorrow . *As tested on Winter + model. Terms & Conditions Apply.

We recommend our customers to register their warranty at the earliest on the units purchased and installed. All Bonaire products are designed and manufactured to the highest standards for maximum performance and reliability. Each unit is also strongly supported with a comprehensive warranty subject to terms and conditions. We offer extended warranties as well, which you can avail here.
Spare parts
Are you looking for spare parts to go with your Bonaire heating and cooling systems? We’re here to help simplify this process for you. All you have to do is fill in the details below.

Owner’s Manuals
If you have misplaced or lost the Owner’s Manual for your new Bonaire appliance don’t despair we have them all here in an easy to download PDF document. We also have the Owner’s Manuals for many of the old models as well.
Simply scroll down the list until you find the one for your model, open and then save to as a file on your computer.